Acknowledge God in all your ways and He will make your path straight. Pr. 3:6
Race cars, Components, and Composites
Weirsdale, Florida (352) 821-FAST (3278)
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

JCR Wings
All wings built in house from aluminum or carbon fiber. Options include adjustable height, chrome plated strut rods, SS hardware and NACA ducts for improved chute deployment. Three optional NACA ducts are pressed into the rear edge of the wing with our own NACA duct press and greatly improve chute deployment when not using any type of air or spring type launchers.
NOTE: We are not currently building/selling wings without having the car here. We build each wing specificly for each car and therefore must have the car here for fabrication.

JCR Top Sportsman and Pro-Mod Wings
Click on pics for larger view.

JCR Sportsman Wings with optional NACA ducts
Click on pics for larger view.